Listing Profile
Listing Profile for:
1981 Nor'Sea 27
Break Down –
Whisper continues to see the highest click through rate from Yacht World and BoatTrader, over 21% which is 3.5X my average listing. This makes you rank 2nd for the number of clicks.
Time on site though is in the lower 75% of my listings, which tell me that people are interested but I have a feeling that the price and in the soft market is keeping people looking but not interested.
This last week had some of the highest showings I have seen since buying the business so I’m hopeful after the election that people really start shopping again. If that’s the case it might be good to talk about a price reduction to help drive a stronger engagement and more leads who reach out.
I do have a good lead for mid-November that could be a great fit for what he’s looking for so more to come when I hear back from him and his schedule.